some features are this feature is (Registered Beta Tester) (Registered AddOn Developer) (Educational Registration) (Licensed to install up to ^0 copies) (PlusPack Registration: licensed to install up to ^0 copies) Because you have not used PowerLock for long, ^0 not yet available to you. Please check the manual for more information. Also includes the StartUp Launcher (to ensure PowerLock always launches), and the Trap Quits feature (to ensure people can't exit improperly from PowerLock). Installs PowerLock and all its associated files. This includes the Function Key, the Desk Accessory, the Extension, Aliases in System 7, etc. Installing… You now won't be able to exit PowerLock with Command-Option-Escape, or via a debugger. The disk you name will be locked as soon as you shut down your Macintosh, and unlocked after you run PowerLock. Caution: StartUp Security can cause problems. Please be sure to read the manual first. PowerLock now won't launch at startup, unless you have an alias in your StartUp Items folder, or use Set StartUp (Sys6) This will install two small resources into your System file when you click Save. These will automatically launch PowerLock. << less more >> load and draw the PICT resource from the file draw the MacPaint or StartUpScreen file draw the picture file lock disks 6/Launcher (-;System 6 Alias PowerLock TimeOutScreen PowerLock StartUpScreen PowerLock Prefs (3) bad attempt Confirm ÿ : © Rohan Cook, 1994 ˚^For private, non-commercial, non-business use only * Expiry Date * * Beta Title * Disabled Enabled PwrL RealFinder Finder and/or 30 300 DA 25000 Have you sent your postcard yet? •• A ShutDown has Occurred •• username password 2Illegal Attempt # PowerLock Read FIRST Extensions folder inside the System And again, to confirm: New Password: System Extension Registered to Caution: Be sure to read the manual before enabling any of these options Note: BootBlocks Modification does not work under System 7 PowerLock Bypassed PowerLock Log